Of all the things we learn about keeping house, incense is one of the most overlooked topics. Sure, it smells great, and you can burn it, but it seems that's all most people know about this ancient...
From elegant spas to friends' homes and virtually every grocery store, scented candles are ubiquitous. You'll find them everywhere once you start looking, but what are they really? Knowing what's...
We've all heard that incense keeps mosquitoes away. Does that mean you can light a stick of Nag Champa and prevent bites? Sadly, no. The truth is a little more complicated than a one-line solution....
We all know DEET and pesticides work, but sometimes it's better to choose a more natural solution. The internet abounds with rumors about spices, oils, and lots of other ways to repel bugs, and...
Bed bugs are the worst because once you get them in your home, it's incredibly challenging to get rid of them. They bite you while you sleep, and you never feel it until later. The marks look bad....
Applying essential oils to the skin can be fantastic or incredibly risky. It all depends on how often you reapply and what oils you use. For example, some oils like tea tree should never touch broken...